Hardware From Broken Tibia Hurts 4 Years Later


What type of leg fracture did you suffer? Submit Your Comment

Annotate from: Luis, 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: November 03

I broke my fibula and tibia ii years ago, and they put a bar from my knee to my ankle inside my bone. Information technology nevertheless gets bloated every mean solar day, it hurts rarely, but I recently started working out and I started running 2-three miles 4 days a week. I started good until recently it started hurting a proficient corporeality while jogging and I become super swollen. Information technology didn't really bother me until I started running 3 miles and picking upwardly the pace, but before then my leg would rarely hurt. The hurting was mostly in my knee.

Comment from: Kkiller1014, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: Oct 28

I shattered my tibia and fibula in 2015, and it'south been six years. I have severe musculus atrophy, horrible, swelling, no circulation with the legs constantly regal, and I'thou in hurting 24/7. I had both legs injured in a work blow, my right one more severely. I was told I'll recover in 1 to one 1/two years, here we are six years later, I'g permanently disabled and depressed. I walk every mean solar day, and just stopped using my crutches a calendar month agone. I walked my dog for the last iii years and the muscles never came back. It'south awful.

Comment from: Daniel, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: October 25

I had a tibial fracture at the proximal function, nearly 4 cm from my articulatio genus. Plates were inserted 1 calendar month ago. I can now move slowly unaided, but still feel hurting and tightness in the leg, particularly in the knee. I also have some pitting oedema all around surgical area.

Comment from: Kiskis44, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: October 20

I broke both tibia and fibula in March 2021 and I have had two surgeries with a rod (nail) and 4 screws. I still injure really bad and my leg isn't healing. I'chiliad miserable. Looking for answers.

Annotate from: Rebecca, 35-44 Male (Caregiver) Published: October 20

My partner got striking by a car recently and bankrupt his tibia and fibula, had surgery and got a rod placed. A mean solar day after the surgery, they took his cast off and bandaged information technology up and did physiotherapy. He doesn't know if they are putting a new cast back on.

Comment from: Nickbalz, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: October 27

I had a clear fracture of tibia and fibula to a higher place the talocrural joint.

Comment from: Lou , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 11

I had a tibial plateau fracture. It took five months of non-weight bearing and pain, off and on for virtually a year. Good luck. It's fine now.

Comment from: Kamikaze, 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: October 05

I broke my tibia and fibula 6 inches above my ankle after having a bike accident on September 20, 2021. I had my ORIF (open reduction and internal fixation) on the aforementioned day. I had one plate and half-dozen screws in my leg. I don't accept whatever pain at all. I can slumber well. I am not taking any pain killers. Wondering how long it will take for me to be back on pes once more.

Comment from: M de jager, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: September 22

On 27 June, 2021 I fractured my right tibia and fibula. I am now on the weight-bearing stage but for some reason I don't know why, my ankle keeps swelling. I am learning to walk and hope it will stop swelling at a later phase. I hope I don't have this problem for the rest of my life!

Comment from: Dorothy, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: September 21

I had a bilateral fracture half dozen years ago. I got a 6 inch plate and half-dozen screws on the right side of my ankle, and on the left side of my ankle I've got two long screws in my ankle bone. I am developing a knot on the bottom of my foot and in the middle of my foot. Both my ankles are swelling, and I have bone spurs under my heels. Sometimes it feels like a knife is stabbing me at the developing knot.

Comment from: Ekem1971, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: Baronial 31

I had an ankle fracture and a broken tibia and fibula. I had surgery and I had to have screws and a plate inserted into my foot. What I desire to know is, subsequently, if anyone starts to feel like little shock sensations in the leg.


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Annotate from: KIM, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 27

I had my first leg fracture at 56 years old, sliding on my deck and having my ankle get twisted in the canis familiaris's run cord. My tibia and fibula on my left leg broken in several places. I had the usual surgeries, rods and plates installed and had some physical therapy only stopped due to COVID. Prior to the accident, I was running my dogs, wearing 4 inch heels every day for xxx years. Three years after nearly, I'm better but non where I was. I am not running or wearing heels, and I have some hurting and stiffness. Hope and trust.

Comment from: Benno, 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: August 24

I was riding a moped and was struck on the correct manus side by a automobile going 80 km/l miles an hr. I bounced off the car, my bike flight out from underneath me, I so rolled upwardly the front of the vehicle, and struck it once again on its windshield. I immediately broke my femur make clean in 2, as well equally cracking my tibia and fibula. I got titanium posts in my femur, tibia and fibula. I can now run and jump and become on hikes thanks to the guidance of medicine, namely, physical therapy.

Comment from: Vicki W, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: Baronial 05

I'm x months out of surgery later broken tibia and fibula and crushed ankle injury. I even so can't put weight on my leg. Not certain this is normal.

Comment from: Cece, 35-44 Female (Caregiver) Published: July 26

I broke my left tibia and shattered my left talocrural joint. I have been back at work for about 3 months. Today I noticed my human knee is swollen, I don't know why.

Comment from: MistyMoon, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: July 14

A motorcar hitting me while on my bicycle. I was struck and my correct leg had a fractured tibia and fibula. An internal fixation was placed in my leg, it is metal, titanium, I believe. It is very uncomfortable and painful. I can't walk all the same much, I can a fleck with peachy pain. The bones were smashed into pieces. Information technology's been 1 yr and 5 months since the accident and surgery. I think we all heal differently and it depends on a multitude of things. Equally uncomplicated as age, and if you lot have a os status or anemia, etc.

Comment from: Tannja, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: July 12

I sustained a right proximal tibial fracture from a automobile accident; hit broadside by car going 55 mph who ran a red light. It took a lot of lament before an MRI was finally done. I worked and walked like this for over a month before they discovered it. Now, two years later, the pain in my correct lower extremity has returned with a vengeance, this time without the edema simply with sciatica and even right frontal thigh hurting. I don't fifty-fifty know where to begin with this.

Comment from: Robyn , 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: July 09

I fractured my tibia and fibula. I have rods and screws in one leg and in other leg, screws and ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) allograft.

Annotate from: tstalls , 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June 22

I had lateral tibia plateau fracture with talus dome fracture, and torn ATFL (inductive talo-fibular ligament) of ankle also. All of this happened in September of 2020, and I just received what I am hoping volition be my 3rd and last surgery. I had ORIF (open up reduction and internal fixation) in Dec to my tibia, ORIF in March 2021 to repair talus dome and concluding calendar week, finally, arthroscopic and Brostrom-Gould surgery to repair torn ATFL in talocrural joint. I have been through agony in the past x months and still have more than healing fourth dimension and painful gruesome concrete therapy in four weeks.

Comment from: BabyGirl80, 35-44 Female person (Patient) Published: June 18

On two-4-19, my family unit and I were in a horrific car accident. I crushed my tibia, and I had to take surgery. I have metal plates and rods in my genu, and to this twenty-four hour period of June 16, 2021, my knee is yet swollen, and notwithstanding in a tremendous amount of pain. I nevertheless tin't skip, run or jog, I can't play with my children outside, and I tin't play with my animals outside. They said surgery would make it better, well, it hasn't. Crushing my tibia has literally ruined my life.

Comment from: Lynz, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: June xiv

I broke my tibia, fibula and ankle in Aug 2020 whilst playing with my children in the park. I heard the bones go. I had surgery the next mean solar day and take pins through my ankle and knee plus a metal rod running from knee to ankle. My pain twenty-four hours to mean solar day is upwards and down. The colder weather definitely makes it worse! I have physiotherapy every 4 weeks, I'1000 pond in one case a calendar week and low impact preparation twice a week. Plus a walk every morning simply to try and get the mobility back.


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Comment from: CGDunne, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: June xiv

I had surgery on Apr 15 of this year for leg fracture. I still can't weight carry until the stop of June just I am getting stabbing pain in the surface area where the pins and screws are. Hopefully that ways it's healing further. I don't wish a broken tibia on anyone! I just turned 66 years old.

Comment from: Les, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 01

I broke my tibia and fibula 7 years agone. I immediately needed surgery. Pins and plates were put in. One year afterward, my ankle was withal really painful and had a screw coming out a little so they went back in and took the screws and plate out in my inner ankle, and left the outer screws and plate in. At present, I'thou having trouble with the top of my foot and my toes are always numb. Bruising always at the top of my human foot. They need to set up it, menstruum! The pain comes and goes and always has since I bankrupt information technology.

Comment from: Jamie, 35-44 Male person (Patient) Published: May 24

I got hitting past a car, walking on the side of the highway. I broke both the tibia and the fibula. The doctors put a bar and 4 screws in my leg. When I healed months afterward I went for a follow up and when I saw the x- ray, I freaked. Obviously they only reconnected the tibia, and left the fibula disconnected. I don't know why. He just said I don't need that i and said it would exist fine. I tin feel the cease of the bone when I rub my leg. I always wondered if there was anybody else out in that location with a similar experience.

Comment from: Toredown, 55-64 Male person (Patient) Published: May 21

I broke my femur distally, right to a higher place my knee replacement 8 weeks ago. Since then I have been non weight bearing. I wonder if I need to remain non weight bearing for another two-3 weeks.

Comment from: Eric, 35-44 Male person (Patient) Published: April 28

I was hit by a machine on November 4, 2020 and I had a spiral fracture. They take put in plates, screws and plates. I had open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) of lower leg with arterial exploration. It's been half dozen months and I still can't walk. My foot swells, human knee hurts, and whatever time I feel like I should walk, but I can't, till my pes quits swelling.

Comment from: Jodi , nineteen-24 Female (Caregiver) Published: April nineteen

My daughter had an open compound leg fracture (tibia) and as well broke her fibula 3 months ago and the by couple days she has a lot hurting and not healing pain. All the pain is on the outside of her leg, exactly where her fibula was broken. I'thou only wondering why and what could be wrong.

Comment from: Jambisket , 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: April 16

I had an oblique fracture of the right tibia last June 2020. I had 6 surgeries because of infection. The surgeon finally had to have the hardware out. My leg doesn't hurt when I'm sitting or lying downward, but information technology is very uncomfortable to walk, even with a mobility device. If I don't pace myself, I tin get into some serious pain, especially around the knee.

Comment from: Donna, 13-eighteen Male person (Caregiver) Published: Apr 09

My grandson broke his femur at the very superlative. He had surgery and a rod put in. He did ok, now information technology'southward been 5 weeks and he tin't put weight on it. Information technology hurts and he can't walk on it.

Comment from: Cookie, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: Apr 02

I had a spiral fracture of left tibia in 1985. Xx five years later a doctor discovered information technology was never set right. I had an osteotomy, and rod and screws put in in 2009. Now in 2021, my back is having bug and my leg feels pins and needles, with pain and issues walking. Wonder if anyone needed hardware removed or has had these issues also. No dr. has gotten to the bottom of this however. They continue saying the problem is in the dorsum, merely nobody is looking at the leg.

Comment from: RAED, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: April 02

I had my tibia fractured on 10 February and I had the ORIF (open reduction internal fixation) surgery the very adjacent day. I'm having a stabbing hurting with bearing fractional weight or when twisting my ankle or knee. I experience the screws stabbing my bone and this is limiting me from moving forward in my therapy and weight bearing. I wonder if I should go through the pain, my md said this will disappear afterward, merely I don't experience it will.

Annotate from: Bindistella, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: November 03

I broke my fibula and tibia in a spiral fracture in August 2020. I had an ORIF (open reduction and internal fixation) surgery and 3 months into healing, but the place where my tibia broke still hurts. Wonder if anyone else suffers from this. I have an appointment on Tuesday. But taking Advil until then.

Comment from: Rockifela, 45-54 Male person (Patient) Published: November 03

A space bus (Sienna) hit me and broke my right tibia and fibula in July final year, and I had an ORIF (open reduction and internal fixation) surgery 2 days later. Information technology's been a year and iii months now, I even so limp when I walk and I feel pain in my knee sometimes. In fact I cannot kneel with my right knee. I started taking calcium (Osteocare) in October. I'm notwithstanding to come across the upshot. Wonder if I should continue with the calcium supplement.

Annotate from: Jeff241, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: October 27

On ii/xix/20 I thought I was at a stairway landing but was one step upward. I had left pes fully planted and had started turning when my right foot slid downward the remaining step. I heard the bones (tibia and fibula) snap on my way downward. I had fully displaced fracture that required immediate ORIF (open up reduction and internal fixation) surgery. Luckily, the bones didn't break the skin. Fractures in the ankle and genu caused the most problems. I have 8 screws in my talocrural joint, 3 in my genu, and a rod from my genu to the ankle. I walk without limp at times but however feel every footstep.

Comment from: Veria , 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October 23

I broke my tibia and fibula 8 years ago and had a rod and 4 screws placed in. I got into a fight and had my leg kicked and hit repeatedly. Now I've had a huge lump where I had the incision 8 years ago and my leg was all hobbling upwards. Now my leg hurts bad and I don't know what that lump is.

Comment from: Markiemark, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: Oct 22

I fractured my tibia (compound) and fibula. I take a tibia pin and smash. It happened nigh 3 years ago, but I am withal experiencing lots of pain and swelling. It also looks like one of the lower screws may be coming out, I have a big, hard swelling above my talocrural joint os.

Annotate from: Deb, 55-64 Female (Caregiver) Published: October 22

I broke my tibia about 8 weeks ago. I was cleared to commencement weight begetting and ever since I did start some counterbalance bearing, I had really bad persistent pain in my heel. I wonder if this is typical for this type of fracture.

Comment from: Baz, 65-74 Male person (Patient) Published: October 20

I was knocked down by a car and broke my fibula and shin in 5 places. They put in a rod and 4 screws, and so I was in a kicking. Physiotherapy is essential, and proceed it going. My leg swells and is painful, specially in the 3 years since. I think it has damaged the soft tissue and my therapy is to use water ice on it to take the swelling down. My ankle is now painful and radiates up to my thigh. I know in time I will be using walking sticks. I keep exercises going.

Comment from: Rite, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: October 20

I had an ORIF (open reduction and internal fixation) in Feb this year afterward I was involved in an accident and bankrupt my left femur. When I went back to the hospital for review 3 months after the operation, the x-ray showed a slight bending on the plate that was inserted in the leg. The doctor said the curve was minor, but advised me to stay on crutches to give enough fourth dimension for healing. It is now shut to 9 months down the road, but I withal can't walk straight without crutches. When I effort, I detect myself bending to the left.

Comment from: Rorza, 35-44 Male person (Patient) Published: Oct 08

I broke my tibia simply higher up my ankle and my fibula below my knee in my left leg. I had a rod inserted in my tibia from the top of my knee with ii screws at the top and the bottom. I was back walking on it at 5 to 6 weeks with about 35 percent body weight on information technology. Now information technology's 8 weeks on, I can put all my weight on information technology, and I weigh 85 kgs, but nonetheless take a little swelling in the ankle and become pain in my articulatio genus. I am doing physiotherapy and I work out for 1 or 2 hours a day with stretching, to proceeds all the muscle back to make it stronger.

Annotate from: Denise , 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: September xxx

I broke my tibia ii years agone. I have a plate, eight screws and a pin through my ankle. I'thou now experiencing pain at the plate site. Wonder what could cause this and if I should consider having the plate and screws removed.

Comment from: Noddy , 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: September xxx

I snapped my tibia and fibula in a freak accident jumping from a 3' half-dozen" wall. The leg was at a 45 degree bending so while waiting for the ambulance I tried to straighten it out myself. Fun. I've had a pivot and screws inserted but owing to the nature of the break it's going to be a very long road to recovery but it could ever exist worse so can't complain.

Comment from: Kim, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: September 29

March 2011, I suffered an open, chemical compound fracture of the lower right leg. Titanium rod and screws were inserted to ready the fracture of tibia. I have nerve impairment below the break and now my ankle and inside of the lower calf have broken vessels and look bruised and bloated.

Comment from: Marinda, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: September 28

I broke my leg in 2017, the tibia, about xv cm from my ankle, and the fibula, about 5 cm from my knee. I had an operation, they put a pin in my bone, and screws, about half dozen months agone. Information technology has started to pain and information technology is warm, information technology is about in the centre of my lower leg. I'm in hurting and cannot go to a doctor because of the COVID.

Comment from: britttis3189, 25-34 Female (Caregiver) Published: September 25

I shattered my right talocrural joint and besides had open up double fracture to the tibia and fibula. Now my right leg is shorter than my left and it is causing me a lot of pain. I wonder if a chiropractor can help me.

Comment from: Missteps in Colorado, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: September 24

June 20th, I screw (twist) fractured my tibia and fibula by missing a step on a brusk staircase. Well-nigh a compound fracture, it was incredibly painful, and required emergency transport. Surgery was titanium rod downward the middle of the tibia. No difficult cast, I was put in soft cast, and later the kicking. I had physiotherapy (PT) throughout recovery, and at present PT offsite 2 times a calendar week. I'm around 12 weeks of healing and surprised how much information technology still hurts when I weight-bear. My muscle tone and flexibility are coming back. Latest x-rays show healing is a trivial ho-hum.

Comment from: MM86, 25-34 Male person (Patient) Published: September 24

I bankrupt both bones in my leg in eight places, shattered my ankle into pieces, and also destroyed all the cartilage in my ankle articulation. I now have a plate from my knee to the ankle with 23 screws and a os graft. After 2 surgeries, I even so have 2 operations to undergo later this twelvemonth. It's been 6 months since I had my injury and I notwithstanding can't walk. I have no move in my ankle and information technology is all even so very bloated. I've been in the pool, having physiotherapy massages, only however can't get it to move. It looks similar I'm headed for an ankle fusion.

Annotate from: Robert, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: September 22

I fractured my tibia and fibula on 5/9/20. I had a rod inserted to support the tibia. After 18 weeks I even so have swelling in my foot and feel hurting where the bone bankrupt, when I try to walk. My genu hurts also, when I endeavour to put weight on it. I take been in physical rehabilitation for 8 weeks and still not walking without crutches.

Comment from: Bshea, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: September 22

I had a compound fracture of my tibia and fibula virtually 5 inches above my ankle. I have a metal rod inserted in my leg. Virtually 5 years take passed and there are days I'g in excruciating hurting.

Comment from: U know, 55-64 Male person (Patient) Published: September 09

I bankrupt the tibia to a higher place the ankle and information technology splintered up. So I have four screws in my right lower leg from 48 years ago. Information technology is red on top of the os and tender around the scar from the operation years agone. I have swelling, it tingles and is crimson on peak.

Annotate from: Jules, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: September 08

I broke my kneecap five weeks ago. I got problems with my pes due to the cast beingness too tight, and I am even so not walking on information technology, yet blood is rushing down to my foot and toes. I'thousand sure my fretfulness take been damaged.

Comment from: Fxtib2020, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: September 01

I savage and broke my tibia shut to the articulatio genus. I had ORIF (open up reduction and internal fixation) process in the right leg. Ii-week follow up had lots of drainage from 2 sites at the incision. The 2nd surgery was for washing out the area. Adjacent follow upwards, information technology had still not healed, but drainage was slowing downward. The 3rd surgery was for some other wash out. I was on vancomycin with all 3 surgeries. The dr. said he may have to take the hardware out. I cannot do full weight begetting, it causes extreme hurting in my knee. I can stand on it but when I go to take another step it causes my knee joint to feel extreme pain.

Comment from: Leg fracture, 65-74 Female (Caregiver) Published: August 31

I had reconstructed knee joint cap and surgery for a fractured tibia os over 9 years ago, and now take pain in my lower leg where the plate is.

Comment from: Apostolis, 45-54 Male person (Patient) Published: August 28

I broke my tibia and fibula on my right leg. I had surgery and have a metal rod and screws put in. Viii months on I am even so in hurting and it swells around the area where the break was. Wonder if that is normal.

Annotate from: Electricmike56, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: August 21

I bankrupt my tibia and fibula iv weeks ago; one rod and 5 screws in my tibia. I've been applying some force per unit area since day 2 and at present walk with a kicking. I stopped the pain medicines 2 weeks ago and just take Tylenol. I suppose I'm doing pretty well being 50 years old just was in great physical shape pre-break. I'yard having more problems with ankle mobility due to swelling and stiffness. Cloudburst is there but I work a little each 24-hour interval to help information technology. Low is a real problem if you don't recognize it creeping up on you lot.

Comment from: capstick, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: August 17

I broke my tibia and fibula close to the ankle with the fracture running down to the ankle.

Comment from: Janette, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: Baronial 13

I broke my tibia and fibula xiv weeks ago. I had surgery and at present take a rod, pins, and screws in my leg. I still tin't walk properly, my leg, genu and talocrural joint are still swollen, and I yet have a lot of pain. I have spotted bruising on my foot, and I don't know what this is. I tin can't bend my knee or move my pes much, although I've e'er done exercises given to me by the hospital. I will have physiotherapy next week in the pool. I hope this helps because I actually don't experience similar I am making a lot of progress.

Comment from: deborahellison103, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 04

I broke both the sides of my talocrural joint and foot. I accept pins in both sides of my legs and a rod in the leg. The surgery was on five-03-2020.

Annotate from: Val, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: July 13

I broke my tibia and fibula, information technology happened well-nigh 4 weeks ago. I got surgery with plate and screws, and now with Aircast kick and crutches. I am not allowed any weight on it for another couple of weeks. I accept constant pain, and can't sleep well. When will it go less painful!

Annotate from: Isaac Southward, 25-34 Male person (Patient) Published: June thirty

I am a 29 year sometime healthy man. I had a motor accident on the 31st of December, 2019, and my left leg got broken, but I underwent an implant surgery on the third of January, 2020. I am in my 6th calendar month, but the hurting on the leg is on and off, specially when I walk for a while and the swelling is recurrent. Sometimes I feel cracks in the place where it broke. Not certain this is normal.

Comment from: Kim, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: June 09

I fell seven steps down a flight of stairs on my left leg. I could not bear weight in the leg. I was told the x-ray revealed no fracture, just soft tissue ligament tendon harm. I was home in a splint and was told I could weight-bear in 3-5 weeks. Six weeks in, I am not weight-bearing, and unable to bend my leg. I rang the medico who checked my x-ray and told me I accept proximal tibial fracture. I was sent back to the fracture clinic. I had CT, and fracture looks like information technology's healing, but nonetheless I can't weight-bear properly or bend my knee. I was sent dwelling house with splint. Ten weeks on I can't bend my knee.

Comment from: Oluwadamilola, nineteen-24 Female person (Patient) Published: June 02

I suffered a tibia and fibula fracture on my right leg ix years ago. They got cleaved at the same spot. I walk very well now simply my ankle is still bloated and I feel pain sometimes.

Annotate from: brewster4130, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: May 05

Oct 2019. A car striking me on my BMX bicycle. Both my lower legs broke. My upper left arm broke, and 7 ribs cracked. Pelvis was fractured. Vi pints of claret and seven pints of plasma were replaced. I had a minor brain bleed and the brain recovered. My question is, if I will exist messed up the balance of my life. Pain has been gone for months. I recovered immensely fast. I accept rods and screws in both my legs. No need to remove the rods. I can still ride my wheel, live and well. Thank you for your fourth dimension.

Comment from: Yellow cycle, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: April 29

Three and a half weeks ago I broke my lower tibia and fibula, cracked my talocrural joint, and damaged the ligaments on the lower right side of my leg. Then, I accept a steel rod, a steel plate and screws in my knee, screws in my talocrural joint, and some blazon of band. I am non-weight-bearing for viii weeks and I'm on crutches. The only time I experience no pain is up to two hours afterwards pain medication. This happened on a bicycle.

Comment from: Olubisi I, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: April 02

I had a fracture of the tibia and fibula of both legs. Had surgery of internal fixation 2 years ago. Correct now I feel severe pain on the ankle of the left leg due to standing for long in the kitchen.

Comment from: Bloodofthelamb143 , 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: March 18

Every bit of January 16, 2020 I fractured my fibula and was put in a cast that had to exist inverse out because it causes restrictions to another cast. I had to take that 2d bandage taken off due to swelling, and so was put into a sugar splint. I am now nine weeks out from breaking my ankle, and this is a non-surgery interruption. But they did a stress during 10-ray my pes, since the 1st x-ray till now, has turned imperial and was not elevated. I wonder if this is normal. Deep vein thrombosis test came back normal.

Comment from: The goat, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: February 28

Eight days agone I had a bad fall down 12 stairs; stop result was an open fracture of the tibia and fibula. Going into surgery my surgeon was very concerned stating I would demand an external fixator and probably 3 or 4 more than procedures. Woke upwards from surgery with a smiling nurse telling me the surgery went well, and I didn't need the external fixator. Now no weight on it for vi weeks, etc.

Comment from: Dizzy Rach, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: February 25

I broke both my legs when I was a few months old. I was in a Moses handbasket at the time and my mum'southward young man at the time threw me at a wardrobe. My mum died unfortunately when I was 11 and at the time I wasn't experiencing knee problems to find out more than. I am 34 in March and now I have knee bug in both legs. Sometimes I collapse because either knee gives way from under me and it comes out of its joint. Very painful; somewhen it goes dorsum in and only then can I get back up.

Comment from: SoberDWTX, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: February 25

I had a failed correct knee micro-fracture surgery in 2015. My first failed right full knee joint replacement (TKR) was in 2016. The surgeon undersized the implant, in that location was cement loosening, and it failed in 2017. The second right TKR was a revision surgery in early 2018. I bankrupt my correct femur above the implant in November 2019. I just finished 12 weeks non-weight bearing. I am anxious to see what the long term effects will be. I cannot walk very far simply it'southward early. Fingers crossed.

Comment from: Sjaneym , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: February 19

I broke my fibula into 5 pieces, and too sustained multiple breaks in my ankle. I accept lots of metallic piece of work. Iv years on since my leg fracture, my foot and talocrural joint swell and I'm in constant pain.

Annotate from: MJ, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: February 12

Nov 9, 2019, I fell and bankrupt my femur just above the knee I had replaced 8 years agone. I still can't walk without a walker. Wonder if this is normal and if so, how long information technology will take.

Annotate from: Darren , 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: February ten

One year agone this calendar week I crashed my car. I striking a tree at approximately 60 mph. I had bilateral open femur fractures, bilateral patella fractures, broken right talocrural joint, cleaved left tibia, 6 cm of os loss in my left femur, cleaved left side of pelvis, 4 broken ribs, a broken sternum and a pneumothorax. I had 6 months non-weight bearing in a wheel chair awaiting further operations. Now I am able to walk with a stick. I'chiliad awaiting ligament reconstruction in my left knee, and leg lengthening surgery in my right femur.

Comment from: Joey B, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: February 06

I broke my upper tibia ii weeks agone from motorcycle wreck while in Bali. I had plate and seven screws placed. No cast was put on. The first calendar week was atrocious with infirmary and the taxi to hotel. Then I had to wing to Jakarta five days after surgery. Then fly to Vietnam. The pain was unbearable as Indonesia is against narcotics fifty-fifty in medication. So finally I arrived in Vietnam where I reside and been on bed rest. Swelling has gone down but I have stiffness and called-for sensation, I cannot walk on it.

Annotate from: saul, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: Jan 27

Sorry to hear most a lot of these injuries, they sound painful. I would just like to give my feel of leg fracture which may exist slightly more encouraging. I fractured my tibia to a higher place my talocrural joint and my fibula only below my knee on Christmas. I was kept in hospital for surgery had an IM (intramedullary) rod placed downwards my tibia and released the following day. I struggled to motility the showtime 1.5 weeks, slightly more mobile using crutches upwardly to the 3 week mark. I am at 3.5 weeks and can now walk unaided, I have been to shops etc., just my knee is swollen.

Comment from: Screen Name, xix-24 Male person (Patient) Published: Jan 22

I bankrupt my tibia and fibula ix days ago and I had surgery for it 8 days agone. The hurting has been moderate all week. Only hurts when I stand up upwards and the claret rushes back into my leg. I stopped taking the hurting medicines to really run across what the pain feels like well-nigh v days agone. I'one thousand not sure if that is the reason I feel the pain that I feel today. It is real precipitous pains going through my leg and it'due south too a chip tingly. I desire to know if anyone else had going through the same thing. Thanks.

Annotate from: Tank, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: January 16

I was run over by a car and broke both my tibia and fibula. The surgeon the next 24-hour interval put a rod and screws in my leg and left the smaller bone alone to heal on its ain. Twelve weeks later I can walk slowly, but surely I am in pain ever. Never got a walking kick or bandage and was told to kickoff walking in iv weeks, and physiotherapy, but the issue is pain and swelling. I recollect I have ligament damage causing some of the swelling and my own opinion is that I have several more than weeks to go before I am dorsum to normal.

Comment from: Andre, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: January xiv

I had a femur fracture 3 months agone. Nail has been inserted but it yet has an occasional swelling. Not certain if that is normal.

Comment from: Non defeated , 45-54 Male person (Patient) Published: January xiii

On November 4th, 2019 I roughshod from a ladder about 15 to twenty feet. I landed on my left leg and heard what was my tibia and fibula intermission. The tibia bone came out of the skin just above my ankle. I was in a desolate surface area so I had to belly crawl to my truck that was about 50 anxiety abroad to achieve my phone. I called the rescue and was taken to the trauma room. Fortunately the doctors were great in at that place and had me schedule for surgery 6 hours later. I had a rod inserted in the bone from my ankle to my genu and four screws.

Comment from: Jes, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: January 02

I bankrupt my tibia and fibula in 6 places. I could not bear any weight on the leg for 8 weeks and had to keep it directly in a leg immobilizer. I was also using crutches. Information technology was extremely painful. I and so was allowed to put light weight on it and to curve information technology. I started physical therapy, but still not walking. My injury happened on September thirteen, 2019. This has been one long journey. I hope I can walk shortly.

Comment from: Mikey57, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: December 31

Eight years ago, at age 64, I tripped and had a screw open fracture and fibula break. Took 4 years to walk without wheelchair, crutches or pikestaff. Recent pain in shin sent me to MRI, which showed not-union of rod with bone. I frequently use cane with Aircast clamshell, merely have periods of no need for cane or bandage. Trauma surgery says I demand to remove the rod and replace it. Family doctor advises to filibuster as long as possible. Hurting ranges from 1 to vii depending on activity. I practice stationary bicycle, towing machine and long walking.

Comment from: Chrissy, 35-44 Female person (Patient) Published: Dec 26

I had a twisted fracture of both tibia and fibula. I have 2 titanium plates and about 8 screws in my leg. Information technology is xiv years now and I still get swelling in my ankle and human foot. I am in a bang-up corporeality of pain every day and unremarkably tin can't walk without a cane by the end of a piece of work day.

Annotate from: awol_risk, 13-18 Female (Caregiver) Published: Dec 26

On Nov quaternary 2019, I was drinking (a lot) which resulted in my getting striking by a car. The daughter who was driving was only 17 and was scared out of her mind. Subsequently I flew through her windshield, I blacked out. Next thing I know, I'yard in the ICU and tin't feel my legs. My surgeon tells me that I fractured my femur and both of my knee caps. I look down at all of the staples in my legs and start crying. The worst role were the stitches I had in my face! My surgeon tells me that it'll all be okay.

Comment from: Elias, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: Dec 26

I am a 31 year old medical officer. I had a automobile accident in August 2019. My 2 legs (2 tibias and 2 fibulas) were broken. I had a surgery for intramedullary nailing. It was successful. Now I am 16th calendar week, mail-operative. I am well. I can walk without whatsoever aid. Now everything is ok but I experience a petty pain on my correct human knee. I hope I volition plow fine at 24 weeks.

Comment from: Alice, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: December 10

I broke my talocrural joint on both sides. It's been ix weeks, and I'k all the same in a kick. I take 10 screws and a titanium plate. Hope I will be able to walk without a limp.

Comment from: SRP1109, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: November 19

I had an open compound fracture to my tibia and fibula due to a head on collision (the other driver was at fault). Three years later and many surgeries it is now taking a toll on my other leg, hip, and back. My leg feels weighted, stays bloated, and in constant pain. I would have been much better off if they had taken off my leg like they originally planned.

Comment from: Janet, 65-74 Male (Caregiver) Published: Oct 29

On September 20th, 2019 later on a unproblematic autumn closing my car door, I sustained a spiral fractured femur involving a previous hip replacement. The pain was 10 plus on 10. Both ambulance and emergency department were amazing. I waited three days for a 4 to five hour surgery, the post-operative hurting relief was inadequate. After spending 13 days in the infirmary, I was eager to return home. After 4 days I became seriously breathless with severe asthma and possible pulmonary embolism. I spent 5 days in the hospital again. The whole feel has been traumatic.

Comment from: YardyYeti, 45-54 Male person (Patient) Published: October 29

I shattered my tibia and fibula in a motorcycle accident. They put a rod in my tibia, the entire length. Information technology'southward been almost a calendar week, and when I stand I feel like fluid is going back into my legs (I go along it elevated). I accept excruciating pain when trying to stand up fifty-fifty with no weight on my leg.

Comment from: Sue T, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: October 15

Twelve weeks ago I fractured my tibia and fibula about my ankle. Not requiring surgery, I was in plaster for 6 weeks, needing splits and replacement casts due to farthermost swelling. I accept no pain at the breaks but foot damage and a pain up near my knee, where there was a very big trample. I forced pain relief creme down my bandage. I have had 4 weeks in a moonboot non-weight bearing and ii weeks weightbearing carefully. The pain from this upper shin up to my hip is excruciating. Many tears.

Comment from: Marsha, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: October 14

I was knocked downward onto a concrete hallway. I broke the top of the ball at the top of my thigh. I accept a titanium rod, nail and screws. Now 5 years later I suddenly started having shooting pains in my thigh... like every few minutes. Almost takes my jiff away.

Comment from: Jennifer , 65-74 Female person (Patient) Published: October 07

I bankrupt my femur 7 months agone. I did acute rehabilitation and so 6 weeks of rehab at a infirmary. I was doing pretty good although my leg always felt stiff and I had a hard time bending it. I woke up yesterday, my leg is swollen and I can't put any pressure on it. I had terrible pain, even subsequently icing information technology most of the mean solar day yesterday. It is still very swollen.

Annotate from: ash, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: September 24

I was shot in the lower left articulatio genus just below. It shattered my tibia and fibula. I had ane rod, 2 plates, and half-dozen screws installed. I am only weight bearing now, half-dozen days ago. I must have damaged my perineal nervus somehow because I can't lift up my pes at all, now that I can start putting weight on it. Parts of my lower ankle and leg areas are numb and swollen; that and my drib foot upshot. Wonder how long this lasts.

Comment from: Subhamsdc, xix-24 Male (Patient) Published: September 24

I had a distal femur fracture. I had an ORIF (open up reduction internal fixation) surgery with DFLCP (distal femoral locking compression plate). It's been 11 weeks and in that location was no hurting from week two through eight. All of a sudden now I am feeling a little pain which has me worried, but x-rays came normal, so there's hope.

Comment from: Lmpalacios, 25-34 Female person (Patient) Published: September 19

I fractured my tibia and fibula during a motorcar accident. I went into surgery side by side day and they placed a rod and screws. This was 11 years ago. It is still very painful during cold days and I am unable to walk without pain or limping. Running is impossible and jumping sends a shocking hurting radiating upward my leg. I am beginning to believe the pain will not go away unless I pursue physiotherapy or become the metal hardware removed.

Comment from: Pat, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: September 17

X-rays have just picked up a plateau fracture of my tibia. The pain started 7 months ago, I had 10-rays at the time, and it wasn't picked upward. I am worried what is likely to happen now. I demand a new knee too.

Comment from: Matt o, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: September 10

I was hit by a taxi iii.5 weeks ago and severely bankrupt tibia. I accept plate and rods and nevertheless prevarication in bed in pain. My leg feels like it is crooked and I still tin can't bend my genu. I only started wearing an Aircast that is uncomfortable. I'm concerned about my time to come as I am 40 and a single dad. I'k told no weight on pes for months, and am using crutches. I accept a broken rib on the left and injured shoulder on the right. This is emotionally getting to me and hoping there is lite at the end of this tunnel.

Comment from: Me, 45-54 Female (Caregiver) Published: September 04

I fractured my ankle 4 weeks ago, and had to wear an air boot and crutches. I went to an engagement with an orthopedic medico, and he said I didn't have to clothing the boot whatever longer. I was quite shocked that he didn't remove the kicking to at least examine my human foot, nor did he ask if it was sore. I assumed I would have to get new ten-rays for the doctor to see how it is healing, but he didn't do whatever of these things! Now my human foot is incredibly swollen, since I was under the impression I could walk on it. This is unprofessional.

Comment from: Cwill, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: August 28

I broke my tibia and fibula x years ago. I had a metal rod and 4 screws installed. I accept had leg hurting every day for the by 10 years. Doctors act like I'yard joking and won't do anything. The pain is right higher up the suspension area in the front side of my shin. If I run ane twenty-four hours I tin inappreciably walk the next. Only thing that has helped was a concrete therapist who told me he idea information technology was a muscle issue. If I sit and massage the pain area for almost 20 minutes it helps but the pain slowly comes back in nearly two to 3 hours.

Comment from: Robert, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: August 27

I broke my tibia, fibula and talus. I had a high impact pilon fracture. I had surgery and 3 plates and 12 screws installed 7 months agone.

Comment from: Blizzard lizard, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: Baronial 21

I fractured my tibia and fibula. I stepped onto a glace, grassy, muddy slope and twisted my ankle badly. I heard a crack and saturday there in shock for a while with my hurt leg resting on the aptitude knee of the other. I thought it was a sprain. I used an umbrella and the shoulder of my ten twelvemonth quondam to hobble about 400 m to the ice skating rink and got my son gear up, and then found the first help tent, iced up the leg, and eventually had an ambulance ride to the nearest public hospital. Quite a comedy act!

Comment from: Sally, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: Baronial 13

I fractured my left femur eight months ago and I have pain when I walk.

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