How Social Media Is Used in Recruiting

The How-to Guide to Using Social Media as a Recruitment Tool

Social media is oftentimes used past businesses to grow brand awareness every bit well as to promote their products and services in the best low-cal. Notwithstanding, did yous know that recruiters are besides using social media for hiring? With millennials quickly forming the backbone of the global workforce and Gen Z jobseekers hot on their heels, targeting these two groups accept been the focus of many recruiters. And which sites and apps do these people visit in their spare time? That's correct: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

It'southward not but them too. Almost everyone in the globe right now has at to the lowest degree one social media account. So if y'all're looking for some other venue to straight your recruitment efforts, your best bet is to stay active on social media.

Don't know how to recruit through social media? We've got you covered with our guide on using social media for hiring.

What is Social Media Recruitment?

Starting time things first, permit's ascertain what social media recruitment is. Social recruiting is the method of using social media platforms as talent pools, or a venue for advertising job positions and openings. It's the practice of identifying, attracting, engaging, and recruiting both passive and active candidates on Facebook or LinkedIn. Recruiters can bank check out a prospect'south social media contour to get a sense of their personality and work ideals, and see if they fit certain roles in their organisation.

What is the advantage of social media recruitment over other types of recruiting? Social recruiting has a leg up over other types of hiring methods as it allows recruiters to connect straight with both passive and agile job seekers. Recruiters can observe qualified candidates by engaging with them through posts, videos, shared articles, and other forms of content on social media. Y'all can also achieve out to interested people through chat!

Whichever platform or network you lot use, social recruiting is a great fashion to increment job visibility, improve brand awareness, and open the door to engagement. Some recruiters who know how to recruit through social media volition even tell you lot that the conversations they make on LinkedIn and Facebook are better than one-on-i interviews.

How to Recruit with Social Media: A Step by Footstep Guide

Okay, y'all're convinced that y'all need social recruiting in your recruitment strategy. Only how do you exactly recruit through social media? We break down the complicated process of using social media for hiring into seven actionable steps that are easy to follow:

Social media platforms fall into various categories. Some are used by casual net users to communicate with their loved ones or to stay updated on the lives of their friends. Others prefer using social media for visitor blogging, B2B networking, and other business organisation-related activities. Choosing the right platform for your specific industry and job description is crucial to finding qualified candidates. For instance, you lot can look for a lensman or content curator on Instagram, but yous'll be hard-pressed to discover an electric engineer there. Y'all're better off searching for candidates on Facebook or LinkedIn. The aforementioned rule applies to the blazon of content you want to publish. Blog posts work better on LinkedIn while making a Careers Page is a great Facebook recruiting strategy. Go along in heed that when you're only starting out on how to recruit with social media, you need to define your goals and expectations first before choosing one or two platforms that will cater to your specific hiring needs. Here'southward how you can use the almost pop social media platforms for recruitment:

  • Facebook: Create a company page and invite people to "Like" it. As your following grows organically, y'all can likewise apply Facebook Ads to extend your achieve to new audiences.
  • LinkedIn: This is arguably the best identify to find people who are actively looking for a task. In addition to its paid search tools, you tin post different types of content and make connections with contacts all effectually the globe.
  • Twitter: Permit users observe your content by hashtagging your tweets. For instance, you can insert #jobs #hiring #jobsforhire #webdeveloperforhire and other hashtags that volition attract task seekers and aggrandize your content's achieve.
  • Instagram: As a recruiting strategy, you can use Instagram to share photos of your workplace, fun activities, employee profiles, and job ads for creatives.
  • YouTube: Just like Instagram, YouTube is a nifty place to detect artistic candidates. You can create a company folio, share behind-the-scenes videos, post company event videos, and more.

Searching for task candidates on social media isn't equally simple as information technology seems. Y'all tin take the about attractive and engaging advert for a chore opening but if y'all fail to target the right audience — no one volition apply for it. Make certain that you lot and your hiring team are articulate well-nigh the type of candidates yous desire to hire.

Do you want to rent fresh graduates, experienced professionals, or executive-level individuals? Practice you have special job requirements such as sure technical skills, educational attainment, certifications, and other characteristics? These are all important questions that will assistance you acquire how to recruit with social media effectively and determine the candidates your visitor actually needs.

To avert downtime, create a candidate persona for each opening and center your hiring efforts on those personas. It will assist you publish posts and job advertisements that make unfit candidates laissez passer on the opening while encouraging qualified ones to reach out and transport their resumes.

Pro tip: Here's a checklist of questions that yous tin comprehend when making your candidate persona.

  • What job title should yous look for?
  • Where do they currently work?
  • What are their skills?
  • What is their level of experience?
  • What personal traits are you looking for?
  • What are your goals and expectations for them?
  • Where practice you want to find them (LinkedIn, Facebook, employee referrals, etc)?

man doing recruitment plan

One of the important things you demand to learn on how to recruit effectively through social media is that consistency is key. Make sure that you lot are set up to create content for your social media pages for several weeks or even two months in accelerate.

When developing ideas for your content calendar, retrieve of topics that will attract your candidates based on their personas and reasons for making a career move. Things similar industry news, company updates, employee testimonials, and "how to" guides are all pop with jobseekers on social media. At that place are also many neat places where you can find content to share with your audition. Between manufacture resources, idea leaders, groups, hashtags, and events regularly posted on social media — content curation is like shooting fish in a barrel. Just get browsing.

Later yous've created or found content yous tin post or share, create a content calendar that consists of the verbal dates you intend to post or share the content. The more oftentimes y'all postal service, the better your chances of being spotted and attracting high quality candidates. Sharing content on a consequent schedule also gives off the impression that your brand is here to stay.

Calls to action (CTAs) play a vital part when you lot're using social media for hiring. While it's true that task seekers will naturally respond to interesting or engaging posts, yous need to ensure that they actually act on it. When posting job advertisements, don't forget to include moving or motivational messages.

CTAs such as "Sign up today — state your dream job tomorrow" and similar letters should be included in your social media posts. They're not only easy to digest, they also inspire people to consider and eventually use for piece of work.

Additionally, go employees to share your posts or annotate on them. Encourage them to talk about what your workplace culture is like, or to share their most memorable experiences working for your company. You tin can as well tell them to tag their friends in the posts for wider reach and engagement.

Pro tip: Offer incentives to the employees who help heave your appointment. For instance, for every 10 shared posts from your visitor's Career Page on Facebook, they get a Starbucks coupon.

line of people in front of social media recruitment vector art

Another crucial thing to annotation when yous're learning how to recruit with social media is that information technology dictates straight communication. Your social media pages easily serve as backdoor support for any potential candidates.

Interested job seekers volition probable ask for additional data virtually your opening, recruitment process, and the company itself. Instruct your hiring squad to reply all questions in regards to all the openings. Ignoring these messages will reflect negatively on your overall visibility and social media ranking. Sites such every bit Facebook and LinkedIn prefer to display pages that answer private messages frequently every bit opposed to those that don't.

The platforms besides make information technology known to users only how often pages reply. Pages who consistently reply to letters in a timely style receive a "Very Responsive to Messages" bluecoat. If you lot usually reply tardily, say every few days or so, information technology might turn off applicants, including your dream candidates.

Pro tip: Host a alive Q & A session once or twice a month. Facebook and Instragram allows yous to set up live video streams where you can connect with your followers. Information technology's a great activity that enables you to answer questions and engage your audience. Y'all can also use the alive stream session to share more about your company culture with potential applicants or carry a real-time tour of your workplace.

Once the applications start coming in, make sure yous respond to candidates equally soon as possible. If your team is constantly decorated, create automated response messages that assure candidates you'll get back to them when you can.

Your company will get flak for ignoring directly letters, especially if information technology's something every bit of import equally a job placement. The people who transport you resumes are in dire need of employment, so bear witness them respect by responding to their inquiries or scheduling an interview date if they fit the qualifications.

Besides, highly qualified candidates don't last long in the talent pool. If you take several days or a week to reply, they'll move on to other opportunities.

Often, the easiest fashion to using social media for hiring is to use social recruiting software like Skillfuel. You can use it to sync all of your company's social media pages, schedule posts, automate replies, and more than.

Interested? Head over to the adjacent section to run across just how social recruiting software can aid your social media recruitment strategy.

Why practise you need automation when information technology comes to social recruiting?

Social recruiting software provides your hiring team with a number of benefits. For instance, in a traditional workflow, recruiters scan through a pile of resumes before they narrow the list down to the almost qualified candidates. At that point, your team needs to scan those candidates' social media profiles to meet if they exhibit bad behavior. With automation, you can weed out candidates with red flags before in the procedure.

Skillfuel is an all-in-ane, user-friendly recruitment direction platform that features social media automation. With a single click, you tin schedule and send posts to all of your social media pages and ensure messaging is consistent across all channels.

Aside from its social media automation feature, Skillfuel is likewise equipped with other tools that support your unabridged recruitment process.

Hire faster, hire easier.

For more information and inquiries nigh our recruitment direction software, reach out to u.s.a. and fill up up our contact form.

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