Usable Security Issues of Social Media Policy

What is a corporate social media policy?

Nearly of your employees are probable to use one or more than social platforms. Whatever they post on their personal accounts can be a potential run a risk for your company (east.g. if they share sensitive information). And, more importantly, using social media at work can bear on productivity and focus. This is one of the reasons you need a visitor social media policy – to address limitations on what employees can mail and to potentially identify restrictions on social media use inside the workplace.

The other reason is your own social media profile; every bit an organization, you'll want to have a consistent voice on your social media and want to avoid posting potentially risky statements or data. A social media policy for employees can give them the instructions they need to know how to handle corporate accounts.


How restrictive should my company social media policy be?

Your employees ain their social media profiles, so what they mail service there can't be restricted past your organization. You can, however, provide them with reasonable guidelines about what they shouldn't post about ( thousand. confidential data) and provide whatsoever potential disciplinary actions if their posts bear on your company'due south image (e.g. detest speech). As far equally your own visitor's social media accounts are concerned, you're entitled to set the rules of posting.

How practise I distribute it?

Your social media policy should be part of your employee handbook or live inside your policy database (e.thousand. in your HRIS). Make sure all employees accept read it, specially those in your social media team.

Of class, call back that this policy is a living document – this is because the social media landscape changes ofttimes, new rules and regulations about privacy are introduced and trends can as well play a function (due east.g. the #metoo move). Brand sure yous keep upwards-to-date with changes and call up about whether your company social media policy might need some revamping.

Hither's a simple social media policy template to get you started with the essentials:

Policy brief & purpose

Our social media company policy provides a framework for using social media. Social media is a identify where people exchange data, opinions and experiences to learn, develop and have fun. Whether you're handling a corporate account or using i of your own, you should remain productive and avert dissentious our system in any mode. This policy provides practical communication to avoid issues that might arise by careless use of social media in the workplace.


We expect all our employees to follow this policy.

Also, past "social media", we refer to a variety of online communities like blogs, social networks, conversation rooms and forums – not just platforms similar Facebook or Twitter.

This policy is built effectually ii different elements: one, using personal social media at piece of work and two, representing our visitor through social media.

Policy elements

Using personal social media

We [allow] our employees to admission their personal accounts at work. Merely, we expect you lot to human action responsibly and ensure your productivity isn't affected.

Whether you're using your accounts for business organization or personal purposes, yous may easily go sidetracked by the vast corporeality of available content. So, please restrict your utilise to a few minutes per work twenty-four hour period.

We ask yous to be conscientious when posting on social media, too. We can't restrict what y'all post in that location, merely we await yous to adhere to our confidentiality policies at all times. We as well circumspection you to avoid violating our anti-harassment policies or posting something that might make your collaboration with your colleagues more difficult (e.g. hate voice communication against groups where colleagues vest to). In full general, delight:

Nosotros propose our employees to:

  • Ensure others know that your personal business relationship or statements don't represent our company. You shouldn't country or imply that your personal opinions and content are authorized or endorsed by our company. We advise using a disclaimer such every bit "opinions are my own" to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Avert sharing intellectual property like trademarks on a personal account without approval. Confidentiality policies and laws always employ.
  • Avoid any defamatory, offensive or derogatory content. It may be considered equally a violation of our company's anti-harassment policy, if directed towards colleagues, clients or partners.

Representing our company

Some employees correspond our company past treatment corporate social media accounts or speak on our visitor's behalf. When you're sitting behind a corporate social media business relationship, we expect y'all to human action carefully and responsibly to protect our company'due south image and reputation. You should:

  • Exist respectful, polite and patient,when engaging in conversations on our visitor's behalf. You should be extra conscientious when making declarations or promises towards customers and stakeholders.
  • Avoid speaking on matters exterior your field of expertise when possible. Everyone should be careful not to answer questions or make statements that fall under somebody else'southward responsibility.
  • Follow our confidentiality policy and information protection policy and find laws on copyright, trademarks, plagiarism and off-white utilise.
  • Inform our [PR/Marketing department] when you're about to share any major-impact content.
  • Avert deleting or ignoring comments for no reason. They should listen and answer to criticism.
  • Never mail service discriminatory, offensive or libelous content and commentary.
  • Correct or remove whatsoever misleading or false content as speedily as possible.

Disciplinary Consequences

We'll monitor all social media postings on our corporate account.

We may have to take disciplinary activeness leading up to and including termination if employees do not follow this policy's guidelines. Examples of non-conformity with the employee social media policy include simply are not limited to:

  • Disregarding job responsibilities and deadlines to use social media at work.
  • Disclosing confidential information through personal or corporate accounts.
  • Directing offensive comments towards other members of the online community.

If yous violate this policy inadvertently, yous may receive a reprimand. We look you to comply after that, or stricter disciplinary deportment volition apply.

Disclaimer: This policy template is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used equally a reference. It may non take into account all relevant local, state or federal laws and is not a legal document. Neither the author nor Workable volition presume any legal liability that may arise from the apply of this policy.

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